Sunday, 9 March 2025

Year 3's Compost Invertebrate Hunt

 Today, Year 3 continued learning about the important job of fungus, bacteria and invertebrates in breaking down waste.  This week it was time to focus on the invertebrates in our compost.

Luke "An invertebrate is something that doesn't have a back bone"

Nala "Like worms, slaters, ant, a fly and caterpillars"

Our aim was to identify some common invertebrates breaking down our food scraps into compost.They may be small and icky but they're important too.

We partner read two articles in Junior Journals about invertebrates  in our green spaces.  Next we took samples of compost and carefully sifted through them to find bugs.  We found beetles, worms, white worms, slaters and surprisingly big fat black wriggly pupa. 

We wanted to find out more about the pupa, so we looked them up on the internet.  We found out they are soldier fly larva and are vey important composters as they can eat TWICE their body weight in food scraps.

Lastly we recorded the soldier fly life cycle in our book and the facts we had learnt.

Can your tamariki name three common invertebrates? 

Next time we are looking forward to finding out how Wakaaranga use CHICKENS to convert food waste into fertiliser and eggs.

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