Sunday 9 June 2024

Year Five - The Future We Want To See

 Today Year Five created digital collages that showed the link between active transport and a healthy environment.  Check out our mahi here: THE FUTURE WE WANT TO SEE

Afterwards, we broke into groups and planned a 'Change Campaign' to promote more sustainable behaviour in our community.

Part of our campaign was coming up with a slogan:

Rosie & Cindy - If you're going less than a mile, don't drive walk a while

Bradley - Walk to school to be cool

Mason, James, Gurdaat - Don't be a fool. Walk to School

Jayden, Kendrick, Marley, Lucas -Bike, scoot or walk to school it is really cool 

Yuyang and Jaihao - Walk to school to keep the planet cool

Ricardo and Haoran - Don't make a fuss just hop on the bus

Some children used Suno to create a song for their campaign with AI.  We had to make sure when using AI that we gave it specific information so our songs were aligned with our main message and audience.

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Sharing our estuary mahi at the Tamaki Environmental Expo

  Check out this video showcasing all the work our tamariki have down to study and promote the Tamaki Estuary.