Monday 3 June 2024

Pestfree Cadets Take Action

 For our final Pestfree session with Ethan, the Cadets focused on lizards and taking action. We reviewed what we had learnt and then talked about how we can create lizard friendly gardens at home.

Our gardens included:

- dark damp places for the lizards to hide

- chew cards to check for pests

- native plants

- a water dish

We are going to audit our school garden to see if it has all that our lizards need. 

Do you have a Lizard friendly garden?

You can make your garden an eco paradise by trapping pests like rats too.  Get free traps from Pestfree Howick delivered to your door

Thank you so much to Ethan and Pestfree Howick for this wonderful  programme.

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Sharing our estuary mahi at the Tamaki Environmental Expo

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