Sunday 16 June 2024

Year Five Travelwise Change Campaigns with AI

 Today Year Five used AI to help create "Change Campaigns".  We want to encourage Wakaaranga tamariki to use active travel to get the school.  

AI is only as good as the information we give it, so we carefully co-constructed our success criteria for an effective change campaign:

- Audience - Wakaaranga tamariki and whanau


- Active travel includes walking, biking, scootering and public transport

- Active travel is good for our bodies, our mental health and the environment

Here are some of our Change Campaigns:

Isher's Travelwise Country Ballad

Apollo's Walk to School Song

Cindy & Rosie Wakaaranga Find Your Worth

Jason's Walk to School Song

Xiao Dao and Ali's Reggae Song 

Chloe's Walk to School Pop Song

Tiziano - To Wakaaranga Song

Joshua - Green Moves Smooth Grooves Song

Yesha, Hedy and Lyra's script 

Habibah's Song

Kaden's & Tom's Bike Song

After morning we created picture books to share our Travelwise messages with Year Two classes. Next time we are looking forward to sharing our books and completing the Travelwise reflection quiz.

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Sharing our estuary mahi at the Tamaki Environmental Expo

  Check out this video showcasing all the work our tamariki have down to study and promote the Tamaki Estuary.