Monday, 10 June 2024

Year 4 explore how to be kaitiaki for our Hauraki Gulf

 Today Year 4 learnt about the plastic problem for our moana.  Soon there will be more plastic in the sea than fish and it doesn't breakdown.  We looked to see if Wakaaranga Year Fours were contributing to the plastic problem by studying our lunchboxes.

Congratulations to the 17/59 tamariki who brought a litterfree lunch to school today from Rooms 13 & 14.  Also congratulations to the 27/61 tamariki who brought a litterfree lunch to school today from Rooms 24 & 23.

We held a prize draw to reward their extra effort.

Next we added up the litter pieces.

Room 14 would be bringing 250 pieces per week.  That's 2500 a term and 10 000 pieces of litter per year!

Room 13 would be bringing 240 pieces of a litter a week. That's 2400 per term and 9 600 pieces of litter per year!

We went on a litter hunt and found that indeed lots of litter was escaping out of our lunchboxes.  

We thought about creating our own change campaign. Some ideas included:

1+ a day campaign

Poster encouraging picking up rubbish

Convince people to bring a litter free lunch with ...being a good role model, having a hui with a presentation, showing free lunch examples, putting up posters, writing a speech and presenting it

We split into groups to create our 'change campaigns".

 The data we collected:


Total litter items

Litter free lunches

Room 13



Room  14



Room 23



Room 24


12 / 30

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