Sunday, 2 March 2025

Yr 3's Dirt made my lunch

Year Three looked at yucky things today in EfS - fungus, bacteria and invertebrates.  Why are we looking at all these gross things? Because with out them dead stuff wouldn't break down and return nutrients to the soil.  And with our soil ...dirt we wouldn't have any kai.

We traced the food chains from our lunchbox back to the ground, then went to explore how Wakaaranga turns food scraps into compost in our worm farms.
Next we gathered apples from our orchard and had a chance to taste our beautiful crunchy apples that we had grown with our own compost.  We drew the CIRCULAR ECONOMY we have created at school- tree - apple - apple core - worm farm - compost - back to tree.  No waste and no need to buy compost for our gardens and orchards.  

Lastly we went on a litterhunt and sadly discovered lots of plastic lunchbox litter.  The fungus, bacteria and invertebrates can't break it down and it can harm our environment.  Thank you to all the whanau making the extra effort to pack a litterfree lunch.  It makes a BIG  difference.


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