Monday, 24 February 2025

Year Two Wonder About Bees

 Year Two got thinking about bees today.  We started by carefully observing the bees in our mara.

The bees were so focussed on the flowers - Sapphire

On a couple of the bees I noticed that they were carrying yellow pollen sacs - Amelia

I saw them picking honey - Maneesha

I saw a bee fighting on the flower with their hands -Jayden

I noticed the bees putting nectar in their side pockets on their legs -Mia

The bees were trying to get into the hive - Emile

Lily - they were trying to get the nectar to get the honey  They land on the flower and there’s things that come out of their mouth to get the nectar.

They were in the purple flower - Isabelle

I saw a really big bee and I think its the queen - Logan

I saw long bees and fat bees.- Isabelle

While we were out Ms Daniel picked apples from the school tree.  Without our bees there would be no fruit on our trees. When we got back to class we got to try the sweet crunchy apples.

Next we drew a bee from memory and then following instructions to draw a scientific bee.  We compared our memory to a realistic bee then labelled the body parts.

Lastly we took action to protect our environment by going on a litter hunt.

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