Monday 5 August 2024

Yr 1 Investigate Exercise and how to fuel your body

 Yr 1 Investigate Exercise and how to fuel your body.

Today we looked at fuelling our body with the right foods that give us lots of energy to get through our day. We looked in our lunchboxes...

We looked at the food in our lunch boxes 
and decided whether they would give us the right fuel for our school day. We categorised them into Healthy and Unhealthy or Good Fuel and Not-so-good Fuel.

Then we did some 'Banana' Yoga with Cosmic kids

Lastly, we planted some more good food into our Mara Kai.

Check out the worm we found!

Our bodies need many things for our day including:
- the right food for fuel, - exercise, and - water.

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Sharing our estuary mahi at the Tamaki Environmental Expo

  Check out this video showcasing all the work our tamariki have down to study and promote the Tamaki Estuary.