Monday 27 May 2024

Yr 5 Pestfree Cadets with Ethan - session 2

 Session 2

Ethan talked with our Pestfree Cadets about some of the amazing native species we have in New Zealand like the luminescent limpet, the puriri moth, the Kiwi, tuatara, and some pioneer plants like harakeke, kawakawa, Kowhai, nikau palm. 

We were amazed to see taxidermy specimens of some of the pests that threaten our unique native species.  

Ethan handed out feathers, shells, fake poop and footprints.  We used these clues like master trackers to figure out which species could be in our environment.

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Sharing our estuary mahi at the Tamaki Environmental Expo

  Check out this video showcasing all the work our tamariki have down to study and promote the Tamaki Estuary.