Sunday 26 May 2024

Ready Set Go with Year Five

 Today in our Ready Set Go Unit Year Five were exploring how active travel is good for the environment.  We began by discussing the definitions for:

  • fossil fuels

  • exhaust emissions 

  • air pollution 

  • greenhouse gases

  • Climate change

The tamariki had impressive prior knowledge! 

Next, we read information carefully and answered comprehension questions to deepen our understanding of climate change, its causes, its effects, and all the actions we can take to mitigate it.

Lastly we watched two quick videos from Nasa Kids to consolidate our learning.

Next time we are looking forward to creating our ideal world and planning a change campaign. 

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Sharing our estuary mahi at the Tamaki Environmental Expo

  Check out this video showcasing all the work our tamariki have down to study and promote the Tamaki Estuary.