Monday, 12 February 2024

Rooms 4 & 7 Investigate growing food at Wakaaranga

Today Rooms 4&7 had their first sustainability session with Ms Everitt 

and Ms Daniel.  We were learning about how we grow fruits and 

vegetables at Wakaaranga. The tamariki toured our mara, 

watering the plants, and harvested some kai.

Delilah " I saw an apple tree"

Abbie "I saw some carrots growing"

Emelia "I got to pull a carrot out"

Ibaad "It was a biggish, small carrot"

Cooper "My tummy feels so nice"

Alice "The carrot tastes nice and the apple too"

Louis "I learned soil helps the environment"

Ethan "I learnt the carrots are yummy"

Sarina "I like the apple"

Christopher "You need soil and compost and seeds and water to grow a plant".

Next time we are looking forward to planting seedlings in the new Mara Kai by the Art Room.

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