Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Monday, 20 November 2023
Eco Warriors Stormwater Sleuth Fieldtrip
Today our Eco Warriors took part in Estuary Monitoring as part of our Stormwater Sleuth Project. We met Monique and Dom from Tread Lightly at the Wakaaranga Creek where our school drains come out. This is where any litter going down the drain will end up.
We performed various scientific tests to monitor the creek's health and we recorded the data.
This is what we found:
Clarity - 45 - 60cm - OK
Dissolved Oxygen - 8 - 12 - OK
Nitrates - 2 - Not good
Nitrite - 0.15 - 0.3
Temperature - 22 - 23 degrees - OK
PH Level - 7 - Good
Phosphates - 1.5 high
Litter - lots of litter - 20 - 30 pieces - mostly plastic - mostly food packaging. Some paper.
Compared to last year the phosphate and nitrate levels were a concern. Sadly last night's downpour may have caused a sewerage spill.
There were lots of weeds in the creek compared to last year.
In 2024 we are going to do a big inquiry into our estuary. We'll keep monitoring our drain trap and repeat the tests we did today.
Thank you to everyone who packs a litter-free lunch. You are helping to protect the estuary and moana.
Checkout more photos in this folder here
Our Newbees Explore Insects
We looked in our magnifying glasses, what did we see?
I saw an insect looking at me.
6 legs
Monday, 13 November 2023
Year Toru explore nature
Year Toru explored nature and created outstanding art pieces inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.
This is the last time the year 2's have EFS this year.
Thursday, 9 November 2023
Monday, 6 November 2023
Bees are Mathematicians
Rooms 9 and 10 studied closely bees today.
First, we made a hexagon by ourselves.
Year Four Dive Into Our New Inquiry
Today Year launched into our new moana topic. Did you know we live on the doorstep of Tikapa Moana - The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park? Our mor...
Today Year 2 discovered that bees communicate with each other by dancing. Next we learnt some dance moves. Then we choreographed our own d...
Year Five acted today to share our Travelwise picture books with Year One and Two. We loved reading the picture books and talking about ho...
Year Two visited the Mara Kai to see the Waka Bees pollinating our broad bean flowers. While we were there we noticed the carrots looking ...