Monday, 23 October 2023

Koanga Mara Kai with Year Tahi

 Today Year 1 explored our spring garden.  We noticed blossoms on the fruit trees, the warm sun and tweeting birds.  Spring is a time to feed the soil and plant new vegetables.  

We learnt about our new food scrap bins at home. When our Whanau use this bin we turn food we don't want into new soil for growing food we do want.  Are you using your new food scrap bin?

The tamariki watered the mara kai and ate beans, sorrel and feijoa petals. We learnt why kumara are taonga and how to grow them.  We put the kumara in water to sprout, so we can have kumara to harvest next Matariki.  

Next time we see Mrs Daniel and Ms Everitt, we're looking forward to going on a bug hunt.

Science - Living world

Students will:

Life processes

  • Recognise that all living things have certain requirements so they can stay alive.

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