Monday, 30 October 2023

What makes an insect?

 Today, we explored the wonderful world of insects. Thinking like scientists, we grouped insects from other animals by looking at their body parts.  What do insects have? 6 legs, antennae, head, thorax and an abdomen. We looked at picture cards of insects to identify the parts.

In pairs we used magnifying glasses to go on an insect hunt in the mara.  We carefully observed the mini beasts we found to see if they were insects.  It was so much fun!

Lastly we created our own paper insects.

Monday, 23 October 2023

Koanga Mara Kai with Year Tahi

 Today Year 1 explored our spring garden.  We noticed blossoms on the fruit trees, the warm sun and tweeting birds.  Spring is a time to feed the soil and plant new vegetables.  

We learnt about our new food scrap bins at home. When our Whanau use this bin we turn food we don't want into new soil for growing food we do want.  Are you using your new food scrap bin?

The tamariki watered the mara kai and ate beans, sorrel and feijoa petals. We learnt why kumara are taonga and how to grow them.  We put the kumara in water to sprout, so we can have kumara to harvest next Matariki.  

Next time we see Mrs Daniel and Ms Everitt, we're looking forward to going on a bug hunt.

Science - Living world

Students will:

Life processes

  • Recognise that all living things have certain requirements so they can stay alive.

Monday, 16 October 2023

More Ready, Set, Going!

 In our second session of Ready, Set, Go we used Google Maps to plan our active travel route to school and we calculated the total distance we move to and from school in a term.  We each made an active travel goal for this term.

There was another giant jig saw to solve, which showed risky behaviour and then how we can get about safely.  

Do you walk or bike to school?

Sunday, 15 October 2023

Rangatira, Whare, Awa, Waka and Whanau Game

 During the holidays, Mrs Daniel and Ms Everitt were on a week long course with the Sir Peter Blake Trust.  We learnt so much including this fun Te Reo Maori brain break game that Year Wha did today. 






Monday, 9 October 2023

Ready Set Go!

 Year Six  & 4 investigated how active travel can mitigate Climate Change and keep us healthy. We took an Auckland Transport prior knowledge quiz, then had great fun creating a giant jigsaw puzzle. It took great communication and awesome team work to solve. Lastly we differentiated between the health benefits and environmental benefits of active travel that were on the jigsaw.

Next time we meet, we'll be planning a safe active travel route to school & goal setting.

Did you know that Every Child has Rights?

 Our year Ono explored their own rights as a child.

We looked at what rights we have and how we can talk about these to adults. We thought about which rights are not being met if action isn't being taken against climate change.

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Year 3 Learn about Maramataka

 Today, Year Toru looked at the Maramataka (Maori Lunar Calendar).  We learned about the matauranga (knowledge) Maori have gathered about their whenua and how it relates to the seasons.  Can your Year 3 tamariki recall the seasons in Te Reo Maori?

 Koanga is a great time to plant. As we are still waiting for our planter boxes to be made we have planted some seedlings to get us started. Great teamwork work everyone!

Eco Warrioirs doing the Mahi

 Our eco-warriors have been working hard sorting the chip packets Waka families have collected. 

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our collection. Please remember to hand your packets in opened and washed. 

Year Four Dive Into Our New Inquiry

  Today Year launched into our new moana topic. Did you know we live on the doorstep of Tikapa Moana - The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park? Our mor...