Monday, 21 August 2023

Privilege in a Sustainable World


Year Rima are exploring how we can create a peaceful sustainable world that is FAIR for all.

We conducted this experiment to start thinking about privilege: 

Year 5's thoughts on the game:


You had to try and if you didn't get it in you had to be happy because you tried

It was for me because I was in the front and I had the skills

Too easy

It was fun

I felt good like I was winning

It was a great fun

I felt happy


It was a bit challenging but if you work hard you get it in

I got close

You need to keep trying 


It wasn't fair 

It wasn't fair there were things in the way

It's not fair.  We're back here and some people were way at the front.

It's a dumb

I didn't even bother to try.

It wasn't fair

Under privileged people aren't having their basic needs met.  To understand basic needs we were asked to write a list of 20 items we would take to live on a desert island.  Afterwards we analysed our lists to see if they contained items that would provide - shelter, food, water, medicine and clothing.

Next we explored the differences in the way children around the world live and we discussed our opinions on poverty.

We realised we already help those less fortunate with our Christmas Food Bank and supporting our Unicef Child Doreen.

Now there is a new intiative.

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