Today Year 5 collaborated to solve the problem of how to power a hypothetical town sustainably. We had to research how other actual towns did this and which way was best suited.
Monday, 28 August 2023
Sunday, 27 August 2023
Storm Water Sleuthing - Data Collecting, Mapping & Extrapolation
Our citizen science stormwater project continued today with the Eco Warriors and Monique. We split into groups to map the outdoor drains and survey the litter in our drain trap.
It took a long time to carefully sort and weigh the litter in the drain.
In May there were 30 pieces of litter in the drain. Today there were sadly still 34 pieces. The bits of Tiger Turf in the drain are also a problem, but we didn't count these.
Straw wrappers, Tiger Turf, and food wrappers were the biggest problems. A reminder that we need more litter-free lunches, please.
Next, we extrapolated that if there are 27 drains and 64 pieces of litter in each drain there could be 1728 pieces of litter leaving Wakaaranga and going into the Wakaaranga Creek every few months. Oh no! What could we do? Jiajia - reward litter-free lunches, Lily - pick up litter, Kelly - take your litter home.
Do people know that outside drains go to the sea? Are they dropping the litter by accident?
How can we draw attention to this problem? Samuel - give rewards for litter-free lunches. Esther - spread awareness by talking in an assembly. Jiajia - a class activity to acknowledge litter-free lunches. Indi - litter-free lunches go to morning tea early. Charlotte - make posters.
Next time we are going on a field trip to the creek to see where our stormwater leads ...
Chip Packet Recycling for the Homeless
We've been learning about zero waste, poverty & privilege. Some people aren't warm enough and we can all help! Simply collect & clean your chip packets and they can be turned into survival blankets for the homeless and those that can't afford to heat their homes. There's a collection point in Room 28.
Find out how to clean & open up your packets here:
Find out more about The Chip Packet Project here:
Monday, 21 August 2023
Privilege in a Sustainable World
Year Rima are exploring how we can create a peaceful sustainable world that is FAIR for all.
We conducted this experiment to start thinking about privilege:
Year 5's thoughts on the game:
You had to try and if you didn't get it in you had to be happy because you tried
It was for me because I was in the front and I had the skills
Too easy
It was fun
I felt good like I was winning
It was a great fun
I felt happy
It was a bit challenging but if you work hard you get it in
I got close
You need to keep trying
It wasn't fair
It wasn't fair there were things in the way
It's not fair. We're back here and some people were way at the front.
It's a dumb
I didn't even bother to try.
It wasn't fair
Under privileged people aren't having their basic needs met. To understand basic needs we were asked to write a list of 20 items we would take to live on a desert island. Afterwards we analysed our lists to see if they contained items that would provide - shelter, food, water, medicine and clothing.
Next we explored the differences in the way children around the world live and we discussed our opinions on poverty.
We realised we already help those less fortunate with our Christmas Food Bank and supporting our Unicef Child Doreen.
Now there is a new intiative.
Sunday, 20 August 2023
Year Rua Explore Pollination
Today Year Rua reviewed the important job bees do of pollinating our flowers so they can turn into seeds and fruits. We observed different flowers and then created our own flower models. Our pipe cleaner bees moved the pollen from one sticky stigma to the next.
Tuesday, 15 August 2023
The waggle Dance of the Bee
Our Year two's have been learning about how bees communicate with others as to where the flowers are to collect much-needed pollen and nectar.
They are extremely clever. We did our own waggle dance and shared it with our groups.
Monday, 7 August 2023
Sustainable Paint with the Eco Warriors - Thanks Manukau Beautification Trust
Thanks to the Maunkau Beautification Trust for the great idea! Today, our Eco Warriors created their own sustainable paint with ingredients from the kitchen. We used coffee, beetroot, red cabbage, and blueberries mixed with water and milk powder to make vibrant paint colours on our eco posters. Next, we want to experiment with earth, leaves, and flowers from our mara to see if they can be used to make different colours.
Tricky Gloves with Room 3 & 8
Today Room 3 & 8 learnt even more about compost and how we can turn food we don't want into nutrious soil to grow MORE food in.
We learnt a new gardening skill too - putting on gardening gloves, taking them off and rolling them together. Lots of children had never put gloves on or rolled them together, but after trying and trying we learnt how. Maybe we can help our families sort the socks now?!
Sunday, 6 August 2023
Compost Consolidation
This week, Year Tahi are reviewing what we learned about compost and adding more knowledge. We discovered what can go in our composts and worm farms. Not everything will decompose like plastic and some things will attract pests, like meat. Do you have a compost or work farm at home?
Year Four Dive Into Our New Inquiry
Today Year launched into our new moana topic. Did you know we live on the doorstep of Tikapa Moana - The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park? Our mor...
Today Year 2 discovered that bees communicate with each other by dancing. Next we learnt some dance moves. Then we choreographed our own d...
Year Five acted today to share our Travelwise picture books with Year One and Two. We loved reading the picture books and talking about ho...
Year Two visited the Mara Kai to see the Waka Bees pollinating our broad bean flowers. While we were there we noticed the carrots looking ...