Sunday, 8 May 2022

Year Toru Think About What Happens to WasteWaste

 We learnt about how all our waste needs to be broken down by fungus, bacteria and invertebrates, so the nutrients return to the soil.

We explored our school grounds to find out where we compost, worm farm and use chickens to process food scraps into soil.

We looked in our lunchboxes to see if all our wate could be broken down. Well done to the litterfree lunches!

Did you know green waste in landfill can't return to the soil. It turns into methane gas that is causing climate change. Compost reverses climate change, as well as keeping the soil fertile and damp. Do you have a compost or worm farm at home?

Plastic can't decompose and is junking up the earth.

We had fun exploring to find invertebrates and fungus in our green spaces. We love time spent in nature, looking carefully and finding new things.

Keeva found a tree weta huding in a hole!

We discovered a prey mantis laying her eggs.

We'll look more at invertebrates next week.

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