Today Year Five helped to test the health of the Wakaaranga Creek with Kathryn from Watercare. We learnt about the common risks to our local waterways - detergent, nitrates, oil, plastic litter and paint.
Next we tested water samples from the creek for turbidity (clarity), PH, temperature and nitrate levels.
Lastly we used magnifying glasses to find macro invertebrates in the samples. Who knew there were so many bugs living in the estuary?!
Good news! Our results when compared to December 2023 showed that our waterway is healthier than a year ago, as there were less nitrates present. Sadly there is still lots of plastic litter present. We'll think about actions we can take next year to address this when we take part in our Year 6 Estuary Inquiry.
Thank you to Kathryn and Watercare for the wonderful hands on learning.
While others tested water we also went on a hunt for land invertebrates. We logged our finds on iNaturalist.