Monday, 11 November 2024

Year One Go Litter Free

 Congratulations Rooms 7 & 4!  They had 18 litter-free lunches.  

Rooms 1 & 2 sadly only had 5 litter-free lunches.  

Plastic litter is a BIG problem for our world.  Packing a litter free lunch means packets and wraps can't blow around our school and go down the drain to the sea.  We held a pop-up prize draw and five lucky winners were rewarded for making sustainable choices.

Next, we went on a litter hunt around the school and sorted what we found into paper, plastic, and food scrap piles.  Sadly the plastic will not break down and hurts our environment.  We discovered that nearly all the plastic was from food wrappers.  This made it obvious that litter free lunches are a really powerful action we can take every day to protect our world.

Before morning tea, we did Squish the Fish Yoga to calm our minds and stretch our bodies. We learned how to breathe from our bellies. We read Kiki Kiwi and The Travelling Trash and finally planned our own delicious litter free lunches. 

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