Sunday 30 June 2024

Room 6's Carrot Feast

 Wow, it was Room 6's turn to harvest some carrots, what a surprise it was. We went and showed Ms Von, Mrs Samuel, and Ms Poole. Then we came back and washed, studied, drew, and ate them!

We are learning about Sustainability. Which means nothing goes to waste. Our carrot tops are going to Ms Von who has a rabbit named Besie, and our carrot scraps we put into our worm farm so the worms can gobble them up. Nothing is wasted.
Ms Von is showing us a picture of her rabbit

These are the worms in our worm farm. Thanks for doing a good job worms!

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Sharing our estuary mahi at the Tamaki Environmental Expo

  Check out this video showcasing all the work our tamariki have down to study and promote the Tamaki Estuary.