Monday, 26 June 2023

Encouraging More Birds to our Environment

 Room 20 completed the Garden Bird Survey and then wondered how we could encourage more birds into our environment.  We researched common garden birds and created fact files.  We'll use our research to inform our actions next term.  Hopefully when next year's Year 6's complete the Garden Bird Survey, we'll see an increase in native birds at Wakaaranga.

Check out our research here: Room 20's Garden Bird Research

You can create a bird friendly garden at home too.  Check out this link:

Sunday, 25 June 2023

NZ Garden Bird Survey

Today our Year Sixes took part in New Zealand's longest-running citizen science project, the Landcare Garden Bird Survey.  We spent some lovely time in the winter sun logging the birds we saw in our environment.  Next, we recorded our data on  

When we analysed our results, we realised that we'd like to see more native birds in our environment, like tuis, kereru, silver eyes, and fantails, so next we researched what actions we could take to encourage them. Just like our Lizard Lounge project, this might inform the new actions we take around Wakaaranga to make it a more sustainable place.

You can take part in the Garden Bird Survey at home too!

We logged the information into the National database.

Sunday, 18 June 2023

Our Matariki Kumara Harvest with the Eco Warriors

The last minute cancellation of our Eco Warriors Adopt a Park trip, gave us the opportunity to harvest our kumara for a wonderful Matariki Feast.

Jamin & Zi Xuan's Recount:

Digging up Kumara

On Monday 19 June, the Ecowarriors were supposed to go to Waka Creek with a man named Levi, but his car broke, so we went to the Senses Garden to harvest kumara instead for Matariki.

First, we searched for how to plant kumara and build the perfect area to grow them. We thanked Rongo ma Tane the god of the Kumara by saying "ako a kaka".

Next, the Eco Warriors grabbed the purple vines and pulled them out. We knew the kumara were ready because the leaves were turning yellow. Tate found a kumara stuck to a vine. After all the vines were put in the new garden bed for composting, the Ecowarriors started digging the dirt looking for Kumara. The Ecowarriors searched and found a lot of kumara.  It felt like getting ice cream!

After what felt like an hour some of the Ecowarriors started washing the kumara. Some people went to the kitchen and cut the kumara. Mrs Daniel and Ms Everitt put the kumara in the oven.

In the afternoon the Ecowarriors gotta eat them. The kumara was so tasty!!! I liked it a lot. Some of the Ecowarriors are going to bring kumara home to plant in their gardens! By Jamin Huang and  Zixuan Peh.

After the harvest, we roasted the kumara and researched in groups.  Follow the links to see our mahi:

How to Grow Kumara

Find out about Rongo ma tane the God of the Kumara in this slide deck

Our Journey Through Kumara

Kumara Information Report

Monday, 12 June 2023

Climate Change Break Out


Today Year 6 took part in a Break Out, which a like an Escape Room set up in a classroom.  We had to work together to find clues and solve puzzles to find out actions we can take everyday to fight climate change.

Afterwards we explored the difference between weather and climate and investigated the carbon cycle.

Next time we see Ms Everitt and Mrs Daniel we'll be learning about the role of science.

Learning Journey Checkpoint

Can you answer these questions:

What are 3 actions I can take to slow climate change?

What is causing climate change?

What is the differences between weather and climate?

What is an example of a carbon dioxide giver?

What is an example of a carbon dioxide taker?

Yr 6 Taking time to reflect on the blog


Year 6 took time to reflect on our sustainability journey by looking at the Waka GreenGold Enviroschool Blog. We loved seeing ourselves and seeing what the younger tamariki have been learning.  It was also great to see the changes to the lizard lounge action learning cycle that we'd begun last year.

Here is what some of our tamariki had to say.....

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Year 5 Explore Energy

Today we began our sustainable energy topic.  We looked at what energy is, its many forms and how it transforms. 

Humans love all our clever uses for energy but going forward we need to ensure we create it sustainably.  

Just for fun we got into groups to experiment with our own energy transformation.  The challenge - How are we going to lift the feather without touching it? 

The answer was by rubbing the balloon on our hair to create static electricity and then hovering it above the feather. Next time we have EfS we'll be looking at how we generate electricity in NZ.

Rooms 14 & 21 Mulch Our Lizard Lounge

 After we had learned about types of energy and how it transforms, Rooms 14 & 21 mulched the Lizard Lounge.  The mulch will trap in the moisture and feed the lizard-friendly plants.

Next time we have EfS we will be looking at how New Zealand generates electrical energy sustainably.

Monday, 5 June 2023

Lizard Lounge continues its Journey


Last year our Year Fives began wondering about how we could create a place for lizards to live in our school environment.  We researched, listened to a guest speaker and planned out our lizard gardens.  Next we presented our ideas to Ms Von and Mr Dowden.  They agreed to fund the project!

Since then Mr Dowden has boxed up the area and laid weed mat.  We've also collected large logs from around the suburb.  Mrs Murray has made ceramic lizard houses.  

Today the Eco Warriors planted native bushes in the area that Mrs Daniel and Ms Everitt bought in the weekend..  It was muddy good fun. So our lizards have places to live and thingsto eat, we planted cordylines banksi, springy mounds, pohuehue & spreading manuka.

Next we'll spread mulch in the area and lay out the ceramic houses ready for our new lizard friends to move in.

Year Four Dive Into Our New Inquiry

  Today Year launched into our new moana topic. Did you know we live on the doorstep of Tikapa Moana - The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park? Our mor...