Year Rua got thinking about honey bees in brainstorms. We wondered about what we want to know next:
Niamh - how many bees are inside the hive?
Braxton - what's the difference between bees and wasps?
Asaph & Ekam - Why do bees make honey?
Leela - Why do boy bees not have stings?
Oisin- why does the queen stay in the hive?
Eva - why don't boy bees work?
Elias - why do bears eat honey?
Don - Why are bees black and yellow?
Dylan - do girl bees sting?
Mason - why do bees attach humans when they steal honey?
Alae - Why is the honey sticky?
Harrison - do bees have venom?
Aaron - do bees walk around?
Vivaan -io bees listen to the queen bee?
Vivian - why do bees sting and die?
What action could we take?
vivaan - we could plant more flowers