Sunday, 26 March 2023

Wondering, observing and taking action for our Honey Bees


Year Rua got thinking about honey bees in brainstorms.  We wondered about what we want to know next:

Niamh - how many bees are inside the hive?

Braxton - what's the difference between bees and wasps?

Asaph & Ekam - Why do bees make honey?

Leela - Why do boy bees not have stings?

Oisin- why does the queen stay in the hive?

Eva - why don't boy bees work?

Elias - why do bears eat honey?

Don - Why are bees black and yellow?

Dylan - do girl bees sting?

Mason - why do bees attach humans when they steal honey?

Alae - Why is the honey sticky?

Harrison - do bees have venom?

Aaron - do bees walk around?

Vivaan -io bees listen to the queen bee?

Vivian - why do bees sting and die?

What action could we take?

vivaan - we could plant more flowers

Thursday, 23 March 2023

🐥 Nau mai nga pi heihei

 Nau mai nga pi heihei. Welcome to our new chicks!! Thank you to Grainger, Isaac, Jacob & Jacob for collecting them. Thank you 

We can't wait to see them grow! Thank you to Ms Wall and Room 13 for organising everything and taking special care of our pi heihei until they're big enough to move into the whare heihei.

Monday, 20 March 2023

Reflecting on the Guiding Principles at Wakaaranga

 Years 5 & 6 have been reflecting on where we can see evidence of the Enviroschools Guiding Principles at Wakaaranga, with fun FlipGrid videos:

🌱❤️Adopt A Park

 Year Ono are keeping up our proud legacy of caring for Wakaaranga Creek Reserve with the Adopt A Park Programme: 

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Eco Warriors at Eye On Nature



- Maori Rakau Games

- Hot Composting 

- Walk like bird tag

- Climate Change Break Out

- Making beeswax wraps

- Signage for the Senses Garden

Monday, 6 March 2023

Kiefer Finds A Wasp Problem

 Keifer found that wasps are attacking our honey bees. He's going to investigate how to protect our bees from wasps, by either eradicating the wasp nests or creating wasp traps. What an awesome empowered student. 

Stay tuned to see Keifer's solution.


Today Keifer tried verion one of his wasp trap.

2l plastic bottle

Step one

Step two

Step three

Step four

Step five

He is going to check progress on Friday and tweak if needed. Good luck wasp hunting!!

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Empowered Learners Taking Action

 Taylor from Year Five wanted to see the Waste Video we made last year. Afterwards we wanted to take action to encourage more litter free lunches. We made 'Packet Monster' Posters to display around school. Did you pack a litter-free lunch today?

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Reflecting On Our Journey

 Wakaaranga tamariki are excitedly preparing to showcase our sustainability journey. Checkout these beautiful invitations for our GreenGold Reflection Day on Friday 31st March:

Year Toru Being Waste Wise

 We're learning about how the FBI (fungus, bacteria and invertebrates) break down our food waste to make new soil for growing more food.

13 tamariki from Rooms 13 & 27 have composts at home

9 tamariki have a worm farm at home.

Diverting food waste stops it turning into climate change gases in the landfill.

13 last week had a litter free lunch.  This week 15 have completely litter free lunches.  Well Done!

Year Four Dive Into Our New Inquiry

  Today Year launched into our new moana topic. Did you know we live on the doorstep of Tikapa Moana - The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park? Our mor...