Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Scarecrow Fredge and Friends
Our year 1's in Tui 4 have been making sure our beans are being looked after. Scarecrow Fredge and friends are on the job!
Monday, 17 May 2021
Autumn Fun
What's your favourite way to enjoy autumn? Watch our Year Two's making the most of the season :
Look our beans are sprouting!
We came to have a look at the beans that we planted last week and some of them are just peeking through the soil!
The ones in the classroom that we put in plastic bags to observe also started to grow a root and a shoot! We took those out to the garden to plant
Small Changes Make A Big Difference - The Tread Lightly Caravan
The Tread Lightly Caravan Team have been helping our tamariki and community learn how to create a sustainable future.
What can we do to help? Just one small change can make a big difference:
Monday, 10 May 2021
WAKA Waste Audit
Mrs Hanlon-Judd, Ms Von and Ms Everitt all helped Room 10 complete a waste audit of our schools waste from the lunchtime bins. There was some fabulous results with nearly all our food scraps in the right place. Well done Waka tamarki!
Action Stations - Honeybee Helpers
How can Year Rua help the bees? We brainstormed:
Room Rima - don’t wreck where they live. Plant more flowers. Make a bee bath. Plant more seeds to grow flowers. Take care of the hive. Don’t cut trees. Don’t pick flowers - we could do a video on YouTube or a poster. Don’t do windmill arms. Share the flowers. Get a native bee home.
Room Iwa - Don’t throw rubbish into the beehives. Plant more flowers or make a bee bath. Take care of nature because that’s where they live. Make a bee house full of flowers. Put rubbish in the bin. Don’t attack bees. Plant lots of flowers. Make a beehive for them. Take care of the hive. Don’t splash water on bees.
We decided to make bee baths:
Sunday, 9 May 2021
Growing Food with Year One
Our Year Tahi tamariki have been learning about what seeds need to grow - space, soil, nutrients, sun and water.
We can't wait for our beans & peas to pop up!!
Monday, 3 May 2021
Planting Broad Beans with Our Year 1's
Room Rua Kaitiaki Ngahiri & Mara
We weeded the ngahiri and put the weeds in the covered compost.
We planted broad beans in the mara kai.
Year Four Dive Into Our New Inquiry
Today Year launched into our new moana topic. Did you know we live on the doorstep of Tikapa Moana - The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park? Our mor...
Today Year 2 discovered that bees communicate with each other by dancing. Next we learnt some dance moves. Then we choreographed our own d...
Year Five acted today to share our Travelwise picture books with Year One and Two. We loved reading the picture books and talking about ho...
Year Two visited the Mara Kai to see the Waka Bees pollinating our broad bean flowers. While we were there we noticed the carrots looking ...