Sunday 15 September 2024

Year Four Focus on Orca Dolphins

 Year Four focused in on one of our most impressive Hauraki Gulf residents: Maki or orca. They are otherwise known as killer whales even though they're actually dolphins.

Year Three Continue Their Wonderful Worm Work

Year Three tamariki continued their worm inquiry this week.  After playing FBI tag, we read information and recorded facts we found interesting in our worm booklets.  Did you know the longest worm in NZ grows to ONE POINT TWO METERS??!!

After morning tea we helped our fruit trees and local worms by mulching. We can't wait for the pink blossoms to turn into peaches.

Sunday 8 September 2024

Year Three Spread the Word About Worms

 Today, Year Three completed their worm promo posters.  We created our own cartoon worms and researched facts to share.  What do you think? Have they convinced of how wonderful worms are?  Afterwards we helped create new worm homes by moving mulch.

Monday 2 September 2024

Year Four Find Out About Our Shore Birds

 Today we thought about all the beautiful manu that live in the Hauraki Gulf and how we can protect them.  We were really excited  to hear that the godwits will be arriving soon, all the  way from the Arctic. Each of chose a bird to research and we shared our mahi in a poster.  Which is your favourite manu?

Check out our mahi here

Sea Birds we know:

Hendrix - magpie

Eva - seagulls - red billed seagulls, 

black billed seagulls, black backed gulls

Emma - pukeko

Zoe - oystercatchers and variable oystercatchers

Sparrows & pigeons

Rufaro - mallard ducks

Taylor - blue herons

Ben - Little Blue Penguins

Pied shag

Pied stilt



Australian Gannet


Sunday 1 September 2024

Year 5 passing on their knowledge

 Year Five acted today to share our Travelwise picture books with Year One and Two.  We loved reading the picture books and talking about how to to get to school safely using active travel.  Lastly, we completed a reflection on this fun unit.  Thanks Auckland Transport for all the resources!  Next time we're going to start learning about sustainable energy,

Year Four Focus on Orca Dolphins

 Year Four focused in on one of our most impressive Hauraki Gulf residents: Maki or orca. They are otherwise known as killer whales even tho...