Monday, 5 July 2021

Kawakawa tea for Matariki

 Today we made kawakawa tea. We sweetened our tea with Waka Honey.

"It smelt minty and nice" Brialla

"It smelt  like honey and leaves" Taite

"The leaves look like hearts and the tea is a bright sunflower colour" Vernica

Kawakawa is very healthy - used in traditional rongoa Maori for centuries. It's great for our coughs and colds.

Next we're going to make kawakawa balm.

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Whare Heihei

Today with no power in the school, Year three's created posters for our heiheis,  showing what they need from us to take care of them. We visited the heiheis and observed their behaviours. We noticed they need fresh clean water, our food scraps to eat, shelter from the wind, rain and sun also to feel safe from dogs and cats. We are going to be great kaitiaki of our Waka Heiheis! 

Soooooooo looking forward to the new Whare Heihei!

Celebrating Matariki by sharing kai

Wonderful Whaea Nancy shared paraoa parai fried bread to celebrate Matariki today. 

"It tasted plain but nice at the same time" Evelyn

"I like the way it had lots of air in it" Krish

"It was puffed up and a bit crispy" Logan

"It was soft on the inside" Dallas

"It tasted like a chicken nugget" Maya

Thanks so much for  the delicious kai Whaea Nancy!

You can make your own paraoa parai:

 Paraoa-parai-fried-bread recipe

Year Four Dive Into Our New Inquiry

  Today Year launched into our new moana topic. Did you know we live on the doorstep of Tikapa Moana - The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park? Our mor...