Monday, 28 June 2021

Terrific Tea - History and Taste Testing


Today Year Wha found out about the fascinating history of tea that took over the world. We found out China was very important for tea and England acted quite badly in the history of tea.

Did you know in every place in the world the word for tea either sounds like tea or cha?

We chatted & found that all our whanau have different types of tea and different traditions around tea. 

We played a Kahoot to review our research.

Lastly we tried a delicious fruit tea 🍵 🍊 😋 

We can't wait to make our own tea next week!

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Room Rua Tekau ma Toru's Fungus Facts

 We wanted to share what we've learnt about the amazing world of fungus ... check out our slideshow ...

Fungus is our friend - click the link

The FBI at Wakaaranga

Ever wonder why we keep chickens?

They help convert our waste sustainably

Yum! Fresh eggs too 🥚 😋 🐔 🐥 ❤ 

 Watch Room Tekau ma Toru talk more about the FBI at Wakaaranga:

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Monday, 21 June 2021

Tea Time

 Team Wha are thinking about how we can use the herbs we grow at school. We brainstormed what we already knew about herbs & tea. We recorded our inquiry questions:

Room 31 - Does tea have caffeine? When was tea invented? Who invented tea bags? How many types of tea are there? Who invented bubble tea? How much tea do you put in a cup? Who discovered herbs? Why did the colonel the inventor or KFC put herbs in it? Can you be any age to drink tea? How many litres of tea does China drink per year? How many times a day do you drink tea? How did herbs get their name? How many colours can tea be? How long did it take to make the tea recipe? Which tea is the most popular?

We ate parsley, silverbeet & broad bean leaves Why do people drink tea?

Room 27 - Why do parents like tea? How much tea can a person drink in one day? Who invented caffeine? Who invented ice tea? Do you have to drink tea every morning? How do you make leaves into tea?

Room 30 -What is in a tea bag, What herbs go in certain teas? How do people know which leaves are tea leaves? Why do you use tea bags for tea? What does tea and coffee do to you? Who discovered tea? How do make tea? How did tea get its name? How is it a powder? How does the tea dissolve? Who is the first ever person to drink tea? How long does the process take to make tea? Why do you use hot water? How many types of tea are there? How do they get the tea in the bag? 

Room 28 - How’s green tea made? Is boba tea actually tea? When was the first tea made? What types of tea can children drink?

We went on a fragrance walk around the school.

Can you name the herbs we found?

Next week we're learning about the history of tea and trying fruit tea.

Learning about & finding fascinating fungi

 Team Toru have been investigating the nutrient cycle. We're finding out how the FBI - fungus, bacteria & invertebrates return nutrients to the soil so we new trees and food can grow.  

Do you have a compost or worm bin at home? Biodegradable waste in landfills fuels climate change while composting reverses it.

Today we went on a fungus hunt. We were amazed by the different shapes, sizes, colours and locations. Check out our fabulous fungus finds:

Fungi doesn't just return nutrients to the earth they also help trees grow and communicate through the "Wood Wide Web". Learn more here:

Sunday, 13 June 2021

"The Big Picture"

Our senior classes are looking at the 'Big Picture'.  We're reflecting on the systems, places, actions and people we have at Wakaaranga that make us a sustainable school.  We looked carefully at the picture to get inspiration for what we could do next on our sustainability journey ...

Some ideas for new actions were... more flowers for bees, a fountain or pond, farm animals, surf lessons and a tree house.  

Year Four Dive Into Our New Inquiry

  Today Year launched into our new moana topic. Did you know we live on the doorstep of Tikapa Moana - The Hauraki Gulf Marine Park? Our mor...